Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Instagram is Way Cooler than Facebook!

“Instagram is way cooler than facebook.  Facebook isn’t even a thing anymore.” Picture a teenager saying those words.  Apparently we are dinosaurs because we still have facebook accounts and use them...well, daily.  Instagram is pretty amazing though! There are so many different things you can use instagram for, so we wanted to share with you the two ways we use instagram. Check out our (equally) awesome perspectives below:

I am obsessed with Instagram. Last May when I found out I was moving to 3rd grade from teaching middle schoolers for 9 years I thought - OH CRAP! I was excited, nervous, and honestly had NO idea what I was doing or what to expect.  I then created a teacher Instagram account (_lifein3rdgrade_) and started adding teachers who were rocking the teacher world.

Through adding teachers all over the world, yes I even have friends in Australia, I have learned so much. I continue to view their accounts and get ideas for decorations for my classroom activities for my classroom, and also where to buy the best stuff when it is on sale (can we say Target Dollar Spot?)

I also use Instagram as my own personal virtual scrapbook.  I post something we did in class everyday so that I can look back and remember this year with my little rock stars.  

Through Instagram so many teachers have inspired me and helped me build my PLN.  I have found great ideas and resources to do in my classroom. Not only that, I have found inspiration.

One thing to remember when viewing teacher Instagram accounts is they post ONLY the good stuff (most of them).  Don’t break yourself down because you may not meet their standards or their activities are out of this world.  Use what you see and adjust and change what you need to so that you can meet the needs of your learners.
So, Jess discussed using Instagram as an amazing way to connect with teachers and share ideas and stories.  I love that she has started using it as a sort of portfolio of her amazing creativity in class! We are both obsessed with IG, but use it in different ways!

When I introduced Instagram to my teacher life, I wasn’t sure exactly what I wanted to do with it. I began following other teachers (mostly social studies) and other accounts related to my content and profession.  I love having a PLN on Instagram, as well as Twitter! It’s such a great resource and I have not stopped using it for that purpose.

I have, however, started using it as way to reach my students outside of my classroom and outside of the school day. Now, remember, I now teach in a high school and was working with 8th grade students before that.  My number one rule is that I DO NOT follow students back and we do not use the DM (direct message) feature! Of course, they complain that they want more followers, but then I ask them if they really want me following their page (they don’t!). At this point, we have a great conversation about their digital footprint and thinking about their social media usage as a whole.

So… how do I really use Instagram now? Mostly I use it as an announcement maker.  I use it to remind students that tests are coming up and big assignments are due. It’s funny how many more students started following after the first test they forgot to study for!  They can use the comments feature to ask me questions about the test - and some like to use it as a suggestion box (move the test, play Kahoot!, etc.) - but the access they have to me outside of the classroom through Instagram is incredible.  This has definitely made the community building of class even better!

I also enjoy using Instagram as a way to hook students into an upcoming lesson.  First, if you aren’t sure what I mean by hook, PLEASE go pick up Teach Like a Pirate by Dave Burgess and find out! Posting pictures, along with intriguing captions, really get kids excited for the coming lesson. This semester, my students really loved the wad of ‘cash’ (play money) that I posted for our upcoming Stock Market game.  Students came in excited and asking about the day’s activity. Later, my juniors were excited to find out why I posted a picture of Easter Eggs for their class! (they had an Easter egg hunt as an EOC test review - lots of fun!)

If you want to see one teacher doing amazing things on Instagram and busting down his classroom walls with IG, check out @lumshistory8!  He is a perfect example of the awesomeness that comes from using Instagram as a way to reach students!
Just a couple of weeks ago, we had the privilege to sit down with the always wise @manuelherrera33, and he also gave us a little insight to using Instagram.  He suggests getting outside of the profession on Instagram. He uses Instagram to follow accounts related to student hobbies - what great way to connect with students beyond class content!  He also suggests following accounts outside of the teaching profession because you never know where you might find inspiration for a lesson or activity!

Last thing - for designing pretty posts, I (Steph) have started using the Canva app! It’s so easy because they’ve got a template with the correct size for IG posts and the app is easy to use!

If you don’t have a teacher instagram - go and make one NOW! Also, follow us, we have some pretty sweet ideas, if we can say so ourselves! :-)


Comment below… Who is your favorite person to follow on Instagram?

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