Both of us are reading the book “Shake Up Learning” by Kasey Bell. This is a newly released book and we grabbed the book up immediately. Below, are a few of our takeaways from Part 1 and Part 2 of the book, without giving too much away!
I had been watching Twitter and all of Kasey Bell’s tweets about her new book and could not wait to get my hands on it. So, of course I preordered it.
Since the book arrived I haven’t been able to put the book down. In order to keep track of my learning I used #booksnaps (started by Tara M. Martin - @TaraMartinEDU). We will have another post about #booksnaps in the future so I won’t go into too much detail. Just go follow her and check out the book snaps we created while reading below.
I don’t want to give too much of the book away, because it is AMAZING and you NEED to buy it and read it! It is so inspirational.
The definition of Dynamic learning is EVERYTHING! This is a great summary of this book and what type of great ideas and mindset educators should have when reading and implementing lessons.
“...the future is here, and technology cannot be ignored” (page 3). YAAAAS! I want all educators to see this quote and absorb it. We cannot ignore technology it is the present and it is our future. Technology needs to be implemented in classrooms as this will make students ready for jobs in the future.
“Creativity is vastly becoming one of the most important skills of the twenty-first century” (page 49). My whole classroom is based on creativity! I am a creative person and I share that love for creative things with my students at all times. Being in elementary school, is basically the definition of creativity. Being creative is such an important character trait and as educators we need to let our students show their creativity through their learning.
“Don’t be afraid to step out and model risk-taking in your classroom. Let your students know when you fail or make a mistake so they will come to see it’s a normal part of life” (page 31).
This quote was so powerful for me! Since I am teaching 3rd graders I tell students all the time that it is okay to make mistakes and mess up, everyone does, yet it is what we do next that matters. I have made mistakes in front of the kids and said, “Oops, Ms. Schwarzkopf messed up! See, I make mistakes too as a grown up!” Mistakes are okay and mistakes are a part of the learning process.
So many #booksnaps! I don’t know where to start… so I’ll start here. I work in an environment this year where I have colleagues eager to learn about implementing more technology in their classroom and really shift some things around - this is the book for them! And this book came at the right time of the year for me - we only have about 30 days left of school and any ounce of inspiration I can get is a blessing! Kasey is encouraging to those teachers hesitant to step out of their comfort zone and pushes them to leap into this new world!
So, my favorite books are the ones that give me ideas that I can implement in my room immediately - so this book is definitely in the favorites category!
Last year, my students completed a Tic-Tac-Toe Choice Menu over the American Revolution, and I had been playing around with the idea of implementing the same idea during my next unit over the Civil Rights Movement. When I opened Shake Up Learning for the first time, the book opened to page 75 - a Tic-Tac-Toe menu. So, the decision was made for me! Kasey’s design ideas and encouragement are all I needed. Giving students choice and voice are a big part of Kasey’s #ShakeUpLearning movement and the Tic-Tac-Toe menu does just that. Now, I’m excited for my students to have the opportunity to explore the Civil Rights Movement in their ideal way and create some great products from their learning!
I’ve also received encouragement for an idea I’ve been working on for the coming school year - student portfolios on Google Sites. Kasey encouraged me in chapter 12, “Go Global” - all about ways to help students reach authentic audiences! I now have more confidence in implementing this *crazy* makes-me-nervous idea, and even a whole chapter to keep me encouraged later on (and help my administration understand my vision)!
One great reminder from Kasey is to approach lessons with the 4 C’s in mind - creativity, communication, collaboration, and critical thinking. I plan to make myself a great visual to keep with me anytime I am planning - it’s a great challenge! The rest of Kasey’s “Dynamic Learning Model” is definitely something teachers of all grades and contents can use day in and day out!
I could go on and on - but, I’ll let you read it for yourself and get your own gears going.
I will leave you with my favorite quote from the book so far…
We can’t wait to finish the book “Shake Up Learning”. We will be blogging again next week with our review and takeaways from Part 3 and the end of the book. Thank you to Kasey Bell (@ShakeUpLearning) for authoring an amazing, inspirational book filled with ideas for educators. Educators, go out and BUY this book ASAP, it is definitely a MUST READ! While you are waiting for the book to arrive, be sure to check out Kasey’s awesome blog! #goals
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